Student Entry Procedure

Congratulations on choosing to study with the Advanced Technology Training Academy, Australia. A diploma level qualification or above can greatly improve your skills and knowledge, making you more valuable to employers.

The 6 steps to complete your enrolment are outlined below. Remember that our friendly staff are all here to assist you throughout your enrolment, so if you get stuck wondering what you need to do next, please feel free to call us on +61420446094 or email us at

Step 1:

To be eligible to enroll, individuals will need to make sure they meet all the entry requirements. If they decide they would like more information or would like to enroll they can make an enquiry to ATTA.

Step 2:

Once the enquiry has been submitted, the individual will receive a phone call from one of ATTA’s course advisors to help them navigate through any questions they have about the course. The course advisor will also discuss the next steps needed to complete enrolment.

Step 3:

If the prospective student wishes to continue, they will need to complete the formal enrolment process. During this they will also need to complete the Student Enrolment Agreement along with payment. As part of this step, any supporting documentation along with identification to verify the application will need to be provided by the individual. Payment options will be available to the student during payment.

Step 4:

Once this process is completed the student will be required to complete the Capability quiz. The Capability Quiz contains questions to assess an individual’s language, literacy and numeracy levels to help ATTA understand how they can best support them. Once the student has shown proficiency their enrolment will be processed.

Step 5:

Once formally enrolled, the ATTA team will send the student all of the information they need to begin their learning journey, including an invitation to attend an online orientation session.

Step 6:

The student then needs to attend the online orientation workshop with their trainer, which will help them kick-start their studies and prepare them for success in their course. Once that is done, they are ready to start studying.

ATTA, Australia

38, York Road Kellyville, Sydney, Australia, 2155

Mobile Number : 0420446094